On a twisty, treacherous road beside the Sea of Cortez.
When we lived near La Paz, we’d drive the road north leading to the tiny pueblo of San Juan de la Costa . A marvelously scenic ride.
Along this route we discovered the mouth to an arroyo and hiked up it.
It’s surrounded by craggy land, colored in shades of turquoise, green, blue, pink, grey, and tan. The floor is covered by deep sand, rocks, gravel, and hardy plants.
A uniquely beautiful place we feel lucky to have experienced.

I removed my sandals to make it easier to walk in deep sand. At first, that is OK. But after a while my feet are fatigued and the abrasiveness of the sand becomes unpleasant. I focus on the scenery and keep going. I would choose to wear my hiking shoes in the future.

Tuff, tired out from the hike.
Our dog, Tuff was with us back then. If you don’t know about Tuff.…well click his name for a video. Watch our older videos to see him with us…..acting like Tuff.
Here’s a few videos with TUFF.
We always take a backpack or two. Water. Food. Camera equipment. Things that make for a prepared and pleasant trip.
We were careful and on the lookout for snakes. Baja is home to venomous (poison) varieties.
The deep sand was the most strenuous part of this adventure. Sturdy, hiking shoes would probably be best.
Baja California & Baja California Sur Mexico
The Baja peninsula of Mexico is enchanting. There’s much diversity on the land and the waters that surround this finger of land on the western side of the North American continent. Wildlife. Rustic towns. Big cities. Colorful scenery. Dirt roads. Epic plant life. Dazzling sun rises and sets. Go. Explore.
Dave and I have spent about 15 months total living and traveling in Baja. Most of that time has been spent in the southern state of Baja California Sur. There’s still much we haven’t seen.
Videos From The Area
All videos taken from footage in Baja California Sur, Mexico. In the countryside near the city of La Paz.
See our BAJA PLAYLIST on YouTube
See our BAJA PLAYLIST on YouTube – Over 90 videos
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